Since 1997 I have lived and worked in China. I speak Chinese fluently and know the ins-and-outs of the culture both in day-to-day life as well as in business.
Due to my extensive time in China, I know how to work with Chinese officials and business persons and make use of the networks that they have or find the right connections for you. To give you an impression on how I can help you, please see the list of projects below:
I have set-up or have been involved in the following projects:
– Set-up the first water-based endive project with Tianjin Vegetable Institute;
– Advisor and mission leader for business touring China looking for new opportunities;
– Advised on how to set-up a WFOE in China;
– Training of Horticultural degree students;
– Set-up exports from China of fruits amongst others to Europe and the USA;
– Set-up cheese imports for a client in the Netherlands;
– Set-up a cheese making factory in Shanxi Province;
– Solar Greenhouse improvement project;
– Training of Small-Scale farmers in greenhouse management, vegetable production, sales and marketing;
– Consultant to various Chinese Horticulture businesses in Shandong, Shanxi and Hebei;